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Denmark has taken a step towards caution in gender care by offering a form of counselling rather than medical treatments to the main patient group of teenagers with no childhood history of distress in their birth sex.
Official acknowledgment of a change in treatment policy was given on May 31 by the Liberal Party Health Minister Sophie Løhde during parliamentary debate of an unsuccessful resolution seeking a total ban on medical transition of minors.
Ms Løhde said that medical treatment at the Danish central gender clinic in Copenhagen—the Sexology Clinic—would only be offered “if the child or young person has had gender dysphoria since childhood.”
“If the gender dysphoria has started in connection with puberty, the young person may, among other things, be referred to a process of reflection or clarification,” she said.
“This process is often finalised without medical treatment, as the indication for treatment is not considered present.
Som sagt blev jeg interviewet til artiklen. Her kommer det afsnit:
Copenhagen psychotherapist and former teacher Lotte Ingerslev, who writes the blog ‘Transgender: the Fine Print’ and is a member of SEGM, told GCN that the Danish health minister’s May 31 remarks were “very, very important.”
She said the minister had represented this policy shift ‘as simply a result of the doctors “following the evidence”, and not a complete and utter break with their previous approach.’
Ms Ingerslev said this appeared to be a government tactic for “evading responsibility for the utter disregard for children’s bodies and lives.”
Nonetheless, she said the policy change meant “that teenagers will no longer be able to expect to get hormones as a quick fix for their loneliness, autism or inner homophobia.”
But she said these concessions to caution by the government and the Sexology Clinic were not enough and “the transing of children needs to be stopped completely.”
“Otherwise, the general public, schools, day-care centres and parents of gender-non-conforming children get a message from the state saying that gender-non-conformity is a sign that a child is ‘trans’, which goes against all evidence,” she said.
Artiklens forfatter, Bernard Lane, har talt med Dansk Regnbueråd. Men ikke bare det … Det er sågar lykkedes ham at få både LGBT+ Danmark og Sundhedsstyrelsen til at udtale sig!
Læs hele Bernard Lanes gennemresearchede artikel her:
Vil du vide, hvad det var, Sophie Løhde sagde i Folketinget d. 31. maj i år? Det har jeg nedskrevet – ordret – her:
Og se evt. Sexologisk Kliniks seneste redegørelse i Ugeskrift for Læger over, hvordan behandlingstilbuddene ser ud i øjeblikket:
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